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Change is the new norm in all organizations. Great change management is still not. Learn about the processes of change and how to deal with them. Challenge yourself as you must lead the same people through multiple changes at the same time.


What can you use Game of Changes for?


Training: training for managers and employees in the change management discipline


Knowledge base: providing a portal and library about change management


Support: supporting and coaching managers in their planning of real-life changes


Onboarding: introducing new managers to "how to work with change"

Implementation: managing and following up on large implementation projects


5 digital learning tools

My learning


The platform is built as a learning journey. A digitalcoach guides on the way. The journey is built to motivate to learn more.



Change management models and tools are presented in a classic e-learning interface with reading materials, videosand tests.



A simulation challenges learners to lead multiple changes. The simulation can be run alone or in training groups and sessions.

My Change


All models, tools and learnings come together in the application module, where users can add and simulate their own changes and stakeholders.

Multiple Change


Add multiple changes  and connecting them in storylines, align them in tracks, and secure commitment to by prioritizing them. 

The theoretical and methodical approach to change management

Descriptive models

The change philosophy is to increase understanding before jumping to action.


Models to increase understanding and respect for the change process:

  • The Cycle of Change (Maurer)

  • Reactions to change (Maurer)

  • The energy bar (Maurer) 


(Models available as digital models and as analogue boards)

Prescriptive models

The change philosophy is to NOT limit the leaders to a few simple steps, but to provide them with a framework and 30 concrete ways to improve change.


Frameworks to structure the actionable repertoire of managers and employees driving changes:

  • Direction, Alignment and Commitment (CCL)

  • ADKAR (Prosci)


(Tools available in digital and analogue format)

Typology models

The change philosophy is to train each learner’s respect for other people’s diversity, perspective and contribution.


Models to increase theawareness of individual differences, reactions and motivations in change:

  • MBTI (Myers-Briggs)

  • Insights (Discovery)

  • Eneagram (Truity)

  • DISC (Marston)

Multiple change

The change philosophy is that changes in organizations happen in interconnected, integrated and simultaneous ways.


Tool and model to increase the ability to visualize, facilitate and manage complex changes:

  • Direction, Alignment,Commitment (CCL)

3 ways og using Game of Changes in a learning proces


Instructor led training

Learners can be trained in a workshopformat with one or more instructors. The workshop format will typically be 1 day–and will give your learners an intensive, personal and challenging learning experience.


Online learning

Learners are trained in a pure onlineformat. The digital platform is designed for a learner to individually complete tool modules, train in the simulation, test own understanding and applying the learned to own changes. The online format can also be integrated into other onboarding and learning journeys on other platforms.


Blended learning

Learners can be trained in a blendedlearning format which varies betweeninstructor led sessions, virtual meetings,online learning, homework and concretepractical assignments. The blendedlearning formats typically has 2 or 4modules and stretches over 2 months.

A unique approach to the simulation narrative

Game of Changes can be used with a generic or a tailor-made simulation narrative.

In collaboration with customers we have made tailor-made narrative for the use of our products for:



  • Collaboration training

  • Talent-management events

  • Compliance-training

  • Company happenings

  • And more…


Engaging leadership development on demand


For Talents

For Companies

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